April 3, 2021
Happy April and Happy Easter!
I am reminded daily of the many wonderful blessings that have come with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Last Sunday, Minister Lewis wrapped up the quarter with a lesson on the Bearer of Bad News out of 1 Kings 18:5-18. In our message, Elijah only feared God and spoke boldly to Ahab, King of Israel despite knowing how this message would be taken in consequence. Obadiah demonstrated his faithfulness to God by hiding 100 prophets and still delivering God's word. The message was a great reminder that we are called to be the Salt & Light of the earth, meaning to share whatever message that God has put on our hearts with boldness in His name. Sometimes that message is not what is favorable in the eyes of the world, nonetheless that message is important.
A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Minister Lewis for officially becoming a Minister on Sunday! Mt. Zion is incredibly blessed to have you as a leader in the church. We cannot wait to see what the Lord has planned for you, and what He will accomplish through you! A special THANK YOU to Pastor Jenkins for coming to Mt. Zion to present Minister Lewis with his certificate!
After the presentation, Pastor Beard preached a short about the Giants of our lives. He noted that FEAR is a giant that almost all of us face at some point, and discussed how we can face those fears with Christ. He also brought out that where fear is, love is not complete, but LOVE overcomes all fear.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and of self-discipline.
-2 Timothy 1:7
Join us at 9:45 on Sunday as we begin our new Unit, "Prophets of Restoration" with 11:00 service to follow on the conference line!
Monday: Isaiah Foretells the Suffering Servant --- Isaiah 52:13-53:3
Tuesday: Jesus, The Suffering Servant --- Acts 8:26-35
Wednesday: Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection --- Luke 18:31-34
Thursday: Jesus Raised from Death --- Luke 24:1-12
Friday: The Risen Christ Appears to Disciples --- Luke 24:13-27
Saturday: Christ Revealed in Breaking of Bread --- Luke 24:28-35
Sunday: Christ Suffered and Interceded for Sinners --- Isaiah 53:4-11