March 14, 2021
Last week began our new unit, "Faithful Prophets". Minister Lewis lead us through a lesson about Facing the Impossible, where we learned how important it is to seek out the truth for ourselves. We know that there are false prophets out there, but true prophets speak boldly on God's behalf.
THINK ABOUT IT: Through prophets, we are able to confirm in us, God's will for our lives. Through hearing His word in us, we can face the impossible. Have you received a prophetic word that has encouraged your spirit?
Pastor Beard brought a great message on Keep from Philippians 4:6-7. He noted that Jesus keeps us; he encourages, sustains, maintains, guides, and cares for us.
The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade. Psalm 121:5
Weekly Devotions:
Monday: Rahab Rewarded for Her Faithfulness ----Hebrews 11:23-31
Tuesday: Jesus Heals Blind Man from Jericho ----Luke 18:35-42
Wednesday: Enjoying the Manna and Local Produce ----Joshua 5:8-12
Thursday: Marching Around the City of Jericho ----Joshua 6:6-14
Friday: Rahab and Spies Confirm Rescue Plan ----Joshua 2:15-24
Saturday: Rahab Saved While Jericho Is Destroyed----Joshua 6:22-25
Sunday: Joshua's Successful Conquest of Jericho----Joshua 5:13-6:15-16, 20