March 21, 2021
This week marks ONE YEAR!
It has been exactly one whole year since our country declared a state of emergency. There has been a lot of devastation in the last year, but also many moments to declare victory over. Even though it feels like the devil is busy, SO IS GOD, and for that we are so blessed.
Pastor Beard taught a great Sunday School lesson last week from Joshua 5 and 6. Making Wise Choices reminded us that what God has declared is for us, IS for us, but we have to be obedient in seeing His plan through. I like how Remember It states; "Doing so may require at times suspending the logic of our so-called "better judgement" and trusting in the one who renders judgement." In Isaiah 55 He reminds is that For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither your ways my ways. His plans may not make sense in the moment, but He is always leading us to something greater.
After Sunday school, Minister Lewis brought an awesome message calling us to look deep into our "Treasures in the Closet" coming out of Joshua 7. It says in Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." What do we have buried in the ground so that no one can see? We are called to be truthful Christians, and there is nothing that we can hide from Him.
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. -Luke 12:2-3