April 11, 2021
Sunday, Deacon Lewis taught a lesson on Finding Hope in the Midst of Oppression from Isaiah 53. This is such a great lesson because Isaiah paints a picture of Jesus, a man that is rejected by the people that he was sent to save. This prophesy reminds us that even in the Old Testament, God had plans for us. He prepared a way for us so that we could have something to look forward too. It is so humbling that Jesus came and bared the cross for US and our transgressions so that we can live a life with him. All we have to do is pick up our cross and follow him. THANK YOU JESUS.
What a great message on Easter Sunday! Pastor Beard brought a short lesson on "I Thirst" As Jesus was hanging on the cross, it was only after he made sure that God's will was fulfilled, He said "It is FINISHED" and Jesus gave up his spirit. He was thirsty to save his people, and we must thirst for him.
When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished'. Then bowing his head, he gave up his spirit."
John 19: 30
Devotions for April 5-11
Monday: A Light to Jews and Gentiles----Acts 26:19-23
Tuesday: Live the New Life in Christ----Ephesians 4:17-24
Wednesday: Keep Land Faithful to Godly Practices----Leviticus 18:24-30
Thursday: Ignoring God's Laws Leads to Judgment----Zachariah 7:8-14
Friday: People Anxious to Hear the Law----Nehemiah 7:73-8:6
Saturday: People Respond Actively to the Law----Nehemiah 8:9-12
Sunday: Committed to a Life of Obedience----Ezra 10:1-12
Sis Lewis sincerely apologizes about the Twinkies. She will make sure that they are present next Sunday.