May 2, 2021


What a great Sunday service we had! We had some new people in our midst, and for that we are so grateful! Minister Lewis taught our Sunday School lesson from Lamentations 5, Overcoming Losses and Brokenness. In our lesson, Jeremiah is writing a poem crying out over the decimation that has come over the land. This chapter is a great reminder that though ashes may come, God will never desert us and that there IS a hope for tomorrow. Jeremiah calls us to recognize that God hears our hopes and gives us the strength so that we can endure this pain today and tomorrow will be brighter. 

Following Sunday School, Rev. Dr. Marteal Finney brought an awesome sermon on Isaiah Confessed coming out of Isaiah 6:1-9. Here are the 7 steps that Isaiah followed as he boldly confessed and gave himself as a servant to the Lord.

1.The First Step: CONTEMPLATION ---  All vital Christian experience begins with a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Isaiah was worshipping & Contemplating in the temple, when, suddenly,

he was over-powered with a tremendous sense of the Lord’s presence - see verses 1 - 5.

2. The Second Step: CONVICTION --- This sevenfold vision of the Lord produced in Isaiah a deep humbling and a conviction of sin

Woe to me! I am undone!” (verse 5);

and the only thing which will produce a consciousness of sin is a vision of the Lord

3. The Third Step: CONFESSION --- In verse 5 we read that Isaiah said, “I am a man of unclean lips…”

This is the only way to get rid of sin - confess it. It is no good trying to cover it; it must be forsaken 

 Proverbs 28: 13. Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,
           but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy

4. The Fourth Step: CLEANSING --- God demands clean servants. He cannot use unclean instruments

Isaiah 52: 11  Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her;

be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.

5. The Fifth Step: CHALLENGE--- Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?

6. The Sixth Step: CONSECRATION --- in this matter of dedication - the Lord wants us, before He wants our service

He dedicated himself to the Lord. He said, “Here am I…”

He dedicated himself to the Lord’s service. He not only said, “Here am I…”, but he also said, “Send me

7. The Seventh Step: COMMISSION --- God told Isaiah, Go and tell this people”

Join us May 2nd at 9:45 for Sunday School on the Google Meets and 11:00 service on the conference line! God Bless you all and have a great week! 

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