June 20, 2021
What another great day of worshiping together!
I love how God places messages before us that we need to hear. This week, the Lord placed a lesson before us on Calming the Storm from Matthew 8:23-27. At the beginning of Chapter 8, Jesus is commanding miracles, exorcising demons, healing bodily alignments, and raising a girl from the death, demonstrating his power over life and death. In our lesson the 12 disciples and Jesus were on the fishing boat in the Sea of Galilee
Live it: Living in peace and at peace is about our connection to God. Anxiety and worry overtake us when we are overtaken by the storm that rages around us; instead of being driven by our faith in Jesus. For this week, speak peace into your spirit. Remember, instead of looking at the winds that the storm may bring, remember JESUS IS ALREADY IN YOUR BOAT.
Minister Lewis brought our message from 2 Samuel 11:6-13 on The Heart of a Soldier. He walked us through the story of Uriah the Hittite soldier fighting for the Israelite army. After King David had laid with Uriah's wife, he made attempts to cover it up by sending Uriah home to lay with Bathsheba. However, Uriah's obedience and commitment to his duty ensured that he stayed focus on the battle. Minister Lewis noted that though there are temptations and distractions surrounding us, we must continue to FIGHT ON in the battle for Jesus.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
Remember our services!
Brotherhood--Thursday at 7pm
Bible Study-- Friday at 6pm
Congrats to one of our own Tiffanee Lewis for purchasing her first home!
We are so happy for you and all of your accomplishments!