Oct. 31st, 2021

Happy Sunday Church family!

    Last Sunday on the 24th, Minister Lewis taught us the importance of "Our House" and how we share it with God. We can compare our relationship with Christ to a house. The more work you put into building it and molding it, the more it will feel like home. Do you desire to stay in your temple all day? The Key verse sums up the lesson perfectly. "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will still be still praising thee. Selah." (Psalm 84:4) 

    THINK ABOUT IT: God desires for us to yearn for him and long for him above everything and everyone else. Do you long to be in God's presence or do you desire to be elsewhere? How do you regard being the house of God? Is it a delight or something that you only do out of obligation and ritual? Take some time and evaluate your yearning for God on a scale of 1-10.

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