October 24, 2021


Happy Sunday! 

What a great day of worshiping together! If you missed either the Sunday School lesson, or the Revival message, you missed out! However, they are recorded and can both be found here on the site!

    In Sunday School, Minister Lewis walked us through I Shall Be Released from Psalm 107: 1-9; 39-43. Minister Lewis asked a question today, "Why do we wait until our moment of desperation to cry out to the Lord?" Why is that? Why do we wait? At any point in our walk, we are able to call on his name and he will direct our path. Our key verse says it all, "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses." All we have to do is cry out unto the Lord, because we know that he has ALREADY provided us with a way out. In times of distress, God says, JUST FOCUS ON ME.

THINK ABOUT IT: List the times of life for which God has brought you from bondage to liberation (vv. 4, 10, 17, 23). What should be the response of those liberated? Why? Numerate the wonderful works of God. As the song days "Count your blessings, one by one, count your blessings, see what God has done."

ANNOUNCEMENT: Elder Taylor will be holding an all-night Prayer line on October 22, from at 9pm-7am CST. He wants to invite you all to join in as they pray all night long the phone number for that is:
1 (267)-807-9598 
Code: 333 209 171#

If you missed Elder Sam Taylor's message click here
For this weeks Devotion readings, click here.

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