November 14, 2021


Happy Sunday!

This week Pastor Beard taught "Who's In Charge Here?" from Revelation 11: 15-19. He took us back to the Old Testament to remind us that The Lord has been, is now, and will be in charge of everything, forever. 

THINK ABOUT IT: Revelations 11:18 tells us what is going to happen for the rest of Revelation. The things did not happen instantly as the angel blew the trumpet, but that just started the process, and now the events will happen. the Bible says, "the nations were angry." Why are the nations angry? God has provided for their needs accordingly and has delayed His judgements to give people time to be saved. So why are they angry?

Join us next week as we will be studying "Family Restored" from Revelation 19:1-8. Key verse: Revelation 19:7;

"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready."

In Sunday Service, Minister Lewis brought a message from Revelations 2:12-16. What "little deals" are we learning to live with? What do we have the ability to fix, yet continue to cover up with bandaids? In this message, Minister Lewis explains that in this world we have to make compromises daily, BUT we do not have to be tolerant. If you missed it, rewatch his message here. 

REMINDER: There is a members only business meeting Monday, November 15 at 6:30. Please see the email sent for the calendar invite! An agenda will be sent to your email as well, so be on the look out! :)

For this weeks Devotion readings, click here.

**Sunday School lessons come from R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation---Adult Christian Life**

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