December 5, 2021
Happy Sunday everyone!
This week, Minister Lewis brought the lesson The Protection Of Justice from Deuteronomy 5:1-3; 10:12-13; and 27:1-10.
THINK ABOUT IT: Our texts for today come from ancient circumstances. The world that they lives in was much different than our own. Beyond the technological advances that have made the world much smaller, there are many cultural differences as well. What do you think the Lord requires of us today? The same thing or something different?
Key Verse: "And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require od thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul. To keep the commandments of the Lord, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?"
Deuteronomy 10:12-13
Join us on December 12 as we study The Mercy of Justice from 2 Samuel 9:1-7, 9-12 at 9:45.
For this weeks Devotion readings, click here.
This week Pastor Beard began a 2 part series. He will speak on part 2 on December 12.