January 3, 2021
Happy New Year!
God has brought us all through another year, saints! Hallelujah! Last week Deacon Lewis taught us to "Get Ready". His Sunday School topic came out of Matthew 3: 1-12 where John the Baptist explained to us that the way to heaven is a straight and narrow path.
Following Sunday School, Pastor Beard preached to us about how God wants us to be like him, but first we must receive his Spirit and his word. Also we must understand that we having died to sins, must live through righteousness. He brought us scripture from 2 Timothy 1:7, 2 Corinthians 3:16, and 1 Peter 5:10.
Sis. Tiffanee has been attending Mt. zion since she was born, 24 years ago. She has taken on the role of the church custodian and will be cleaning the church weekly, Sis. Tiffanee is currently teaching Kindergarten at The Pendleton Early Learning Center and in her free time, she enjoys camping and barrel racing.