November 7, 2021
Happy Sunday Saints!
What a blessed day in the Lord as we wrapped up our 8 week revival. I pray as everyone hung in there with us over the last few weeks that you were able to be blessed by each and every message as the Lord created in us a Clean Heart and Renewed Our Spirit. If you missed any of the sermons and wish to re-watch them, go to the REVIVAL 2021 tab, 6 of the 8 sermons have been recorded and are listed there.
In Sunday School, Minister Lewis wrapped up our monthly unit of Called To Praise God, studying various Psalms. Over the last 4 weeks through these Psalms written in a place of thankfulness, we have seen God's faithfulness over and over. At the end of the lesson, Minister Lewis asked the class to share what Psalm means to us personally. Take some time to think about what Psalm means to you. Challenge: Take a look at what God has done for you and write a Psalm that is personal to you and your relationship with the Lord.
THINK ABOUT IT: There are many instruments listed in this psalm, all making acceptable worship to God. What do you think the music produced by these instruments sounded like? What kind of instruments would you prefer to make praise to God? Why did you choose those instruments?
Join us next week as we begin diving into a new unit on Visions of Peace beginning in Revelations 7. Sunday School starts at 9:45, and Worship Service starts at 11!